This course has no learning content and is to be used for the assessment of Materials Testers wishing to be certified in terms of the NLA- SA’s CivCert Scheme.
Applicants need to register for this evaluation and once approved will have access to the evaluation which comprises of a test which needs to be completed.
For each material type an applicant needs to demonstrate that they are competent and this is based on two fundamental parts. One is the successful completion of a test related to the material type for which they wished to be certified in and the other is a witnessing of the performance of the test associated with the same material type. In order to be witnessed the applicant needs to successfully pass the tests for each material type/test method.
The pass mark is 80 % and each applicant can attempt this twice. Should the applicant fail one the second attempt, he/she will have to wait a minimum of 6 months before attempting a further evaluation.